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Reindeer Lovey Mod

PSSST...Did you hear? Fantlers are all the rage!
What are Fantlers?
They are Faux Leather Antlers! Wanna make a cute lovey with me?

Quick Note about why I prefer the Faux Leather Antlers:
  • They are WASHABLE, which is a must for any child's toy

  • They make creating these fun animals a cinch. Sometimes my heart is in the right place, but crocheting antlers by hand makes me want to gouge out my eyes with a crochet hook. It's very time consuming, while they are adorable, I find this easier, just as cute, and more helpful in finishing my reindeer yarn projects.

  • They are durable, but flexible, so they will bend and move with the animal.

  • They wipe clean with a damp microfiber for those small spills, drool marks, and "Oops I drug it through some mud" moments.

  • I love stuffed animals and I love making them. Helping you with products that make you love to make them too is one of my favorite past times! what do you use Fantlers with?
Lots of things, but here is one of the cutest! Reindeer Loveys!

I'm sure you have all heard of Mama Made Minis lovey patterns! They are adorable and made of pure snuggly goodness. Don't correct me if I'm wrong, but we all had that one stuffed animal growing up that resembled these guys right? You carried it around on your arm for so long that all the stuffing migrated to the head and the extremities. I had a Shar Pei puppy stuffie that I LOVED and it fit my arm perfectly. I still have it in a tote somewhere, it's probably not fit to be kept, but it's sentimental. These little reindeer modifications on Mama Made Minis Hunley Hound pattern will make a lovey that is sure to become cherished and loved by the little munchkins lucky enough to have one.

Supplies you will need:

  • A copy of Mama Made Minis Hunley Hound + Teacup Pup Pattern. Click Here to get your copy if you don't have this pattern already.

  • Red Heart Hygge yarn in two colors, I used Pearl and Latte for Rudolph and Pearl and Powder for Vixen

  • Scrap of desired color yarn for nose

  • Faux Leather Antlers and Baby Llama Tags with your business name on them OR you can get a 4-pack of these Antler and Handmade with Love tags here in a bundle for a great price while supplies last.

  • Poly-fil Stuffing

  • Scissors

  • Yarn Needle

Terms you will need to know:

  • slst = slip stitch

  • sc = single crochet

  • hdc = half double crochet

  • hdc3lp = half double crochet in the 3rd loop

  • inc = increase

  • dec = decrease

  • MR = magic ring

  • Ch = chain

  • f/o = finish off, you will cut yarn so you have a long tail for sewing, slst and pull through your yarn tail

If you are unfamiliar with any of these terms, video tutorials can be found doing a quick YouTube search.

Head, Body, Legs

You will follow the pattern from Mama Made Minis Hunley Hound or Teacup Pup for these 3 sections.

There is only a small change I made on the head section:

Rounds 11 and on I completed using the Main Color and did not switch to Contrasting Color.

If you decide to make this using the Teacup Pup pattern:

Rounds 9 and on I completed using the Main Color and did not switch to Contrasting Color.


Using Main Color
  1. MR with 3sc, or you can chain 3, slst into first chain and 3 sc into the middle of your circle if you find that easier than a magic ring, just note your ear tips won't be as pointy (3)

  2. hdc inc x3 (6)

  3. (hdc, hdc inc) x 3 (9)

  4. (2 hdc, hdc inc) x 3 (12)

  5. (3 hdc, hdc inc) x 3 (15)

  6. (4 hdc, hdc inc) x 3 (18)

  7. sc in each stitch (18)

  8. sc in each stitch (18)

f/o making sure to leave a long yarn tail so you can stitch to head between rows 15-17 of Hunley Hound's head, or between rows 10-12 of Teacup Pup's head. I lined mine up so they sat just to the right and left of where the contrasting color edges for the nose were.

Arms (Make 2)

Using Main Color
  1. MR with 6sc (6)

  2. hdc inc x 6 (12)

  3. hdc3lp in each st (12)

  4. (2hdc, hdc dec) x3 (9)

  5. (hdc, hdc dec) x 3 (6)

6-10. hdc in each st (5 rounds, 30 stitches total)

f/o making sure to leave a long yarn tail so you can attach to body, one on each side, where head and neck of your lovey meet.


Using Scrap of Yarn in color you would like your nose to be
  1. Ch 4

  2. Turn, begin working in 2nd chain from hook, sc inc in each st (6)

  3. Ch 1, turn, sc in first stitch, skip next stitch, sc in next 2 stitches, skip a stitch, sc in last st (4)

f/o making sure to leave a long tail to attach to the head between rows 1-3 of the head (top center of nose)

Attaching Antlers

If using the faux leather antlers, you will attach them at row 18 of Hunley Hound or row 13 of Teacup Pup directly between the ears. I lay the antlers flat against the back of the head and stitch through each hole about 2-3 times, then weave in my yarn ends.


Using Main Color
  1. Turn your lovey so you are looking at the back of it, head further from you and legs closest to you. You will count up 4 rounds from where the legs attach, and 3 stitches to the right of center, pull up a loop here with your crochet hook, single crochet for 5 stitches in this round, moving toward your left. (5)

  2. Ch 1, turn, hdc in first stitch, skip the second, hdc in third stitch, skip the fourth, hdc in the fifth stitch. (3)

  3. Ch 1, turn, insert hook into first stitch, pull up a loop (2 loops on hook), insert hook into next stitch, pull up a loop (3 loops on hook), insert hook into last stitch, pull up a loop (4 loops on hook), yarn over and pull through all the loops on your hook, slst to finish (1)

f/o and weave in all yarn ends OR

if you are attaching a baby llama brand tag, you can use the extra yarn from making your tail and finishing off to attach your tag to the right of the tail, then weave in the ends.

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